Pulau Redang Resort & Packages


The are about 10+ resorts or hotel available in Pulau Redang. You can find 5* resort or just a budget accommodation in the Redang island. Most of the traveller will take resort packages as it include accommodation, meals, boat transfer, and snorkeling trip.  The most worthwhile by taking the resort packages. You can check our Pulau Redang package.

You can travel to any east coast of the island from Mar – Oct, the best time is May – Aug every year. This is because of good weather and good sea condition. Now Pulau Redang becomes popular destinations for honeymooner.

Travellers are normally stay in the island for at least 3 days 2 nights. If you want the relaxing holiday then can stay up 4/ 5 days, try experience different resorts. The activities will be snorkeling trip to open sea and marine park or you can try discovery scuba diving.

Find more about Pulau Redang Resort & Packages.

Laguna Redang Resort


The Taaras Redang Resort




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